poor scientist. will blog 4 food.

the culinary adventures of a self-described foodie


The Farm: August Report

Before I begin, a point of business: I started a Facebook page today for this blog, and I would really, really appreciate it if y’all can go to the page and “Like” it. It helps me get an idea of who’s reading and I also hope it will be a forum for feedback, suggestions, and comments. Thanks a bunch! OK, now on to our regularly scheduled program…

As it happens in summer, things are growing like crazy at The Farm. The pumpkins are getting huge, the second plum tree is overflowing with fruit, and the tomatoes and peppers are finally ripening. Without further ado, here’s the latest from the farm.

(I apologize for the quality of the photos, but I forgot my camera and had to shoot with the iPhone. And it was so sunny that most of them came out overexposed. I promise to do better next time!)

The cutest pumpkin you will ever see. Look how tiny it is!

See, I told you the pumpkins were getting big! These look to be 3-5 lbs to me.

More pumpkins, with a green one on the left.

Can't wait to make some plum crisp when these start to ripen.

Unlike everything else, these apples haven't grown much in the past month.

Too bad these pears aren't good, because they sure look tasty.

This fly has a thing for figs.

Giant (overgrown) chard, about 2 feet tall.

The sunflowers are still going strong.

These are bell peppers that TC is growing at his house in a pot. Aren't they adorable (if a bit blurry)?

Tiny tomatoes!


The Farm: July Report


Can you believe that we’re already 2/3 through July? In one short month, the Farm is now overflowing with ripening fruit, overgrown zucchini, and baby tomatoes. First up: veggies!

The squash (zucchini, pumpkins) are taking over. Some of the zucchini got too big before they were picked (see below), so the chickens are going get to eat them. There are so many pumpkins, we’re already brainstorming pumpkin recipes. Pass ’em along if you’ve got some good ones.

Next up: fruit! I’m happy to report that the stone fruits (apricots, peaches, and plums) are ripening nicely. In fact, I just made a plum crisp last night with fruit from the Farm. It was amazing! (Post coming soon.) The figs are looking pretty good too, as are the pears. The apples still have a little ways to go. I missed the height of the berries a couple of weeks ago. Apparently there was so much that some were frozen? (Don’t quote me on that.)
Here are some cute fruit trees that we found in the neighborhood near the Farm:

adorable little kiwi fruits

bright cherries

Hope you’re all having a delicious summer!


The Farm: June Report

An abundance of veggies

Hey there! I told you about The Farm a couple of weeks ago. As promised, this is the first in a series of updates on how your favorite plants and animals are doing.

A kiwi plant! I've never seen one before. This is one of two at the farm.

As you can see from the photos, the plant beds are overflowing with lots of veggies. I still haven’t gotten to eat any of it, but I need to, and soon.

Hiding amongst the greenery.

The fruit is ripening too! There are plenty of strawberries (not pictured) and the raspberries and blueberries are just about ripe. The plums, peaches, and pears look like they’ll be ready in a few more weeks. Can’t wait!

"Gimme those peaches!"

These chickens lead a pretty nice life.

Young plants, including tomatoes and peppers.