poor scientist. will blog 4 food.

the culinary adventures of a self-described foodie

CSA Update: 6/24/12


Apologies for being very late on this post. Here’s what we got in our Eatwell CSA box two Wednesdays ago:

mixed lettuce
Italian flat leaf parsley
summer squash
red Russian kale
maturing garlic
Wakefield cabbage
Colorado rose potatoes

The problem with posting so long after we got the box is that I hardly remember what we did with the produce. Thank goodness for photos — at least I have some evidence of what we cooked!

Fish tacos! with roasted potato “fries”

Recently, TC had a (self-described) transcendental experience involving fish tacos topped with cabbage slaw, so when he saw that we were getting cabbage, he suggested that we try to make some fish tacos. I thought this meal was hilarious because we took ONE item that we got in our CSA box and ended up building a whole meal around it. We used this recipe for the fish batter, which turned out pretty tasty. However, instead of deep-frying, we pan-fried the fish in a cast iron skillet. In addition to the cabbage, we chopped up cilantro, green onion, and red onion to use as toppings, along with hot sauce of course. We also roasted the potatoes (a.k.a. oven fries) and made a salad with the mixed greens (and beets too? I can’t remember). An eclectic combination but pretty darn good, nonetheless.

Ground pork and zucchini stir-fry

If you’ve been reading this blog, you might have picked up that I’m kinda obsessed with ground pork. I think it’s so tasty, especially in stir fries. We decided to make a potpourri stir fry — mostly ground pork and zucchini, but also all of the leftover veggies we had from the fish tacos, along with the maturing garlic. Again — quite an unexpected yet delicious mix of ingredients.

Breakfast tacos for lunch!

These breakfast tacos didn’t involve anything from our CSA box, but I thought that they looked mighty pretty so I wanted to share the photo with y’all. They featured refried beans, scrambled eggs, an improvised salsa (Roma tomatoes, red onion, jalapeno pepper, cilantro, and lime), and avocado.

Sadly, we let the kale go to waste before we could get to it. Otherwise, I think we did a pretty good job.

p.s. Can’t get enough of CSA goodies? Check out this link party over at In Her Chucks!

Author: Jen

Howdy! My name is Jen and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I like to eat, run, and blog, but not usually at the same time.

5 thoughts on “CSA Update: 6/24/12

  1. Everything looks delicious! I love fish tacos…and will be trying that stir fry soon 🙂

    Thanks for linking up! Missed having you at the party….

  2. I have learned more about tacos from my Mexican girlfriend and her family than I could have ever imagined. Top on the list is that if you’ve never tried it, try heating the tortillas in a cast-iron skillet until they have a few blackened spots on them.

    The pork looks delicious. What’s your standard pork stir-fry sauce?

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